Social Responsibility

Gett is driving positive change for both people and the planet. Our corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices include diverse programs designed to help the environment and build up communities.
Social and environmental responsibility effects everyone and The samiti aims to develop and implement social and environmental policies which fit in with our staff and members ever day activities and responsibilities.
We communicate our environmental policies, objectives and performance openly and honestly to our staff, members, customers and suppliers and seek encouragement from them to communicate with us on their views
We respect our members, staff and encourage their development and training. We promote equality as differences in responsibilities permit and consider the interests of our members including their welfare, health and safety. We aim to empower our members, staff and recognise individual contributions and reward our members, staff fairly. Our ultimate aim is the happiness of our members, staff through their worthwhile and satisfying employment in a successful business.
Provision of funds and financial support orphanages and to the underprivileged children and other deserving charitable bodies and NGOs.
All Rights Reserved 2025- 2026 @ Dev Bhoomi Taxi Malik Jan Sewa Samiti Dehradun